Wednesday, October 7, 2009

First Impressions

As I type this I am sitting on my bed in a room I share with two other roommates. Below us there is a music store. I have my window. The breeze is flowing in. The sound of people talking as they walk by mixes with cars and motorcycles. Amazing enough this is all being fed by its own soundtrack. There is a music store in the building below us and I can hear them playing right now. I do not think that this can be shared.

The culture here is amazing. It is so deep and rich it would take a lifetime to learn it. Experiencing it is the chance of a lifetime. As I had stated before I am taking every chance to experience it and not stand out too much. It is nice to see that there are others on the trip that feels the same way as I do. There are some that you can walk around the city and let everything flow. Try to take it in. Everyone here will be walking away with their own experiences. That is something that is obvious.

I will say this the wine here is amazing. Enough on that subject.

Our actual classes have started today. While I am here I will be getting credit in the US for World Cuisine, Classical European, Internship and Italian History and Culture, which will count as my history credit. I actually had an off day today, so spent the morning walking around with one person and when they headed to class after lunch I walked around with another. The sight sounds and flavors are still overwhelming at times.

So there are some I like to hang out with. We were sitting at a bar last night having fun. I was sitting with them talking and joking about things in general. And she said to me. I want to talk to yall but I wish my English was better. This lead to a four hour Italian lesson from her. And a really good time.

It is really late here right now and I started this yesterday. So want to get something up. I have about four or five that I have started but not finished.

So for tonight, That you for this translation Bonnie. “Vita Bela”

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